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হোম > আসুস সেলস কনফারেন্স
লেখা সম্পর্কিত
লেখার ধরণ:
আসুস সেলস কনফারেন্স
A program named “ASUS Sales Conference 2012” was held in a renowned hotel of Cox’s Bazaar on 25th May with spectacular arrangement. Mahiuddin Kader, Business Development Manager of ASUS South Asian region has given main speech. He mentioned that consumer-end right now worldwide ASUS laptop ranks at 3rd position and at South Asian region it ranks at 2nd position. He also presented a informative presentation regarding worldwide activities of ASUS, new innovative features of ASUS laptop, special features etc. On behalf Global Brand Private Limited, Chairman Abdul Fattah thanked to dealers by mentioning the excellent contribution of dealers for the success of ASUS laptop in Bangladesh. He said to advance out IT sector we should have faith to each other and have to work all together by loving this industry. He expected like previous years the dealers will continue their cooperation in future. The program is conducted by Kamruzzaman, Branch Manager of Global Brand. Honorary certificate has given to 5 dealer houses on behalf of ASUS those who achieved ASUS laptop sales target for the year 2011. Moreover, first 10 dealer houses were awarded by crest for their extraordinary performances in ASUS laptop sale. Many officials of ASUS and Global Brand along with many personnel of various dealer houses were present at that moment.
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