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হোম > The two-day long 5th Bangladesh School of Internet Governance Concluded
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The two-day long 5th Bangladesh School of Internet Governance Concluded
The two-day long 5th Bangladesh School of Internet Governance Concluded

Hiren Pandit

T he two-day long 5th bdSIGwas held from 9-10 April 2021 with the participation of the stakeholders of the internet world. This session was started through the Zoom Platform for two days organized by Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum (BIGF).The 5th bdSIG 2021 Zoom Online Registrationwas completed by a total of 256 applicants to attend the session. In the 5th bdSIG 2021,all Agenda was discussed in 11 Sessions and 27 Speakers took part in the discussion.The program was started at 3:00 pm every day and ended at 6:30 pm.A total of 10 Winners, received special prize mobile recharge of 10,000 Takain the 5th bdSIG Infl uencer Hunt 2021. In the inaugural session, BIGF Chairperson Hasanul Haque Inu, MP was present as Chief Guest and Spoke on the occasion. BIGF Secretary-General Mohammad Abdul Haque Anu welcomed the audience and moderated the session. He briefed about the last bdSIG sessions through a short presentation. Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman, CEO, BNNRC said BIGF has been working with the government to accelerate the activities of Digital Bangladesh by conducting various dialogues, discussion meetings on various issues including policy change with the government and international level for knowledge creation, knowledge preservation, knowledge dissemination, and Knowledge Utilization. The bdSIG has been working to strengthen the capacity of the stakeholders. Mr. Babu Ram Aryal, Founder, CEO, Internet Governance Institute, Nepal said BIGF has been creating knowledge about the internet governance scenario in Bangladesh. The bdSIG is being boosted up digital Bangladesh. Ms. Anju Mangal, Head of Asia Pacifi c - A4AIWorld Wide Web Foundation and Vice-Chair of APRiGF said the Bangladesh government has a strong commitment to providing high-speed internet connectivity. Bangladesh is working to reduce the digital divide through digital Bangladesh. We have to fi nd a way to work together. Ms. Joyce Chen, Senior Advisor, Strategic Engagement, APNIC, mentioned that internet network is important and how you describe it which is enhancing the quality of life. Internet Governance is very essential for development for the future. Mr. Satish Babu, Chair, Asia Pacifi c School on Internet Governance (APSIG) said we need to go a long way to reduce the digital divide and connect all people who are not underconnectivity. Mr. M. Aminul Hakim Progoti, President, Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) mentioned that the initiative is timely and praise-worthy in the era of technology. We have to develop skills for adaptation The two-day long 5th Bangladesh School of Internet Governance Concluded ENGLISH SECTION 27 COMPUTER JAGAT April 2021 Hiren Pandit Program Coordinator, Research Fellow with the fourth industrial revolution. BIGF has been working for capacitybuilding stakeholders through its various initiatives. Chief Guest Mr. HasanulHaqInu, MP, Chairperson, Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum & Chairman Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Information pointed out that the Internet is the prime right but it is not recognized yet. Harmonization is required for achieving the SDGs. We need a plan for the global level, regional level, national level, and technological level. We need to develop a concerted eff ort for development. A data protection act is essential. Eliminate all types of inequality as per the WSIS action plan is important. Media needs to be upskilling, reskilling for becoming inclusive media. Reduce misinformation and disinformation and mal-information is also essential. India Chief of ICANN, Mr. Samiran Gupta spoke on the basic information about Internet and ICANN interventions. He also discussed Internet Governance and the role of ICANN in the global Internet and how non-profi ts and voluntary organizations work as a partner of ICANN and how can the Internet be made available in diff erent languages and scripts and the role does ICANN play in cybersecurity. Mr. Tawhidur Rahman, Senior Technical Specialist (Digital Security & Diplomacy), Digital Security AgencyNCIRT, BGD e-Gov. CIRT, Bangladesh Computer Council, Ministry of Posts, and Telecommunication mentioned data protection is very important. Data governance enhances the process for manufacturing the data storage process. The vision of government is data for all. Data is becoming oxygen, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic. But the government is the owner of the data. Mr. Sayeef Rahman, CEO, VEOSTR Limited said Cyber Security, Data Protection and Privacy issue where cyber-criminals are working for fi nancial and various types of blackmail to the people and they are looking for and they use the internet as means of their crime. Mr. KhondkarAtique E Rabbani, Managing Director, The Computers Ltd (TCL) discussed Blockchain technology which enables organizations to use diff erent levels of accessibility. Organizations can do faster transactions with the help of blockchain. Account reconciliation can be automated. The transactions done are transparent and hence, easy to track from any place. Stakeholders from the Government, Civil Society, Private, Technical Community, Academia, Youth, and media attended the session. BIGF Secretary welcomed the audience on the second day with a brief recap and invited the Guest speakers to discuss the issues Mr. Kazi Hassan Robin, Associate Professor of CSE, World University of Bangladesh discussed Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) Artifi cial intelligence (AI) is the wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all collecting and sharing data. Mr. Abhijan Bhattacharya, Sr. Scientist, TCS Research, Kolkata, India & Vice President-Projects, ISOC Kolkata Chapter discussed on Digital Divide, 4iR & Internet with highlighting the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. AI, robotics, IoT, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies and connected virtually in the world. Data collection, data analysis, data monetization, and data useare very important. Accessibility is important we should work for reducing the digital divide. Digital infrastructure is important and aff ordable internet should be provided to all. Mr. Ashish Chakraborty, Chief Operating Offi cer, ‎Nagad and Director Government Aff airs, e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB) discussed on Digital Economy. Digital economy refers to digital computing technologies, increasingly perceive this as conducting business through markets based on the internet. The digital economy is also referred to as the Internet Economy, New Economy, or Web Economy. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet. These business transactions occur either as business-to-business, business-toconsumer, consumer-to-consumer, or consumer-to-business. Ms. Amrita Choudhury, Director of CCAOI, UN IGF MAG Member, Co-Vice Chair of APrIGF highlighted on the Eff ective Use of Digital Platforms During Pandemic highlighted the use of digital technology during the COVID‐19 pandemic. E-commerce has been provided various services including food, medicine, and other supports. The world has been working smoothly through using digital platforms and the internet. But the internet should be accessible and aff ordable for all. Mr. ShreedeepRayamajhi, Secretary, Asia Pacifi c School on Internet Governance (APSIG) and Founder, Learn Internet Governance discussed Internet Fellowships and Grants. There are some criteria that the candidates submit a fellowship application with the proposal, session proposal, or paper with or without the acceptance letter from the relevant conference. Filling out the form with all information there are links, photos, evaluation process, how the proposal is sustainable, monitoring and evaluation process should be written clearly. There are some opportunities and challenges are there. In the Closing Ceremony, the discussion was held on Bangladesh Digital Security Act 2018. The session was moderatedby Mr. AHMBazlur Rahman-S21BR, Chief Executive Offi cer, Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication welcomed the guests and speakers in the event. Mr. Mohammad Abdul Haque AnuSecretary-General BIGF provided a short brief about the last School of Internet Governance and achievement so far. Mr. Khundkar Hasan Shahriyar, Advocate Supreme Court of Bangladesh in his Keynote Paper discussed on Digital Security Act 2018, Cyber-crime and Cybersecurity and Cyber-Tribunal issues in Bangladesh. Around 3000 cases are pending under the tribunal.The government hasconstituted a divisional level cyber tribunal for 8 divisions all regional cases to be shifted by 30 working days and he also highlighted some points that should be done for the future to save our social media users from Cyber-crimes. Mr. Rased Mehedi, President, Telecom Reporters’ Network of Bangladesh (TRNB) and Special Correspondent, The Daily Samakal spoke as Special Guest and highlighted Section 32 of the Digital Security Act 2018. The section of the law which covers digital spying and the punishment for such an off ense hurt the basic values of democracy and the freedom of expression. At the same time, it has been created an oppressive atmosphere for free journalism. The law would be a barrier to implement Digital Bangladesh smoothly. A new law is essential for digital security, cyber-security which should protect us. Mr. Faruq Faisel, Regional Director, South Asia Article 19 discussed as Special Guesthe said we need a digital security act and cybersecurity act but present Digital Security Act 2018 is being used to stop freedom of expression. But it should not be. How we face the digital security act 2018 if anyone becomes a victim and what should be done A Framework should be developed. The Mass Media Employees Bill to be passed in the parliament and enacted as soon as possible. Mr. Prof. Dr. S M Shameem Reza, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism Department, University of Dhaka, spoke as Special Guest and highlightedthat we need a framework and clarity of the sections of the digital security act 2018. What is the goal of new if it is to protect common people it should not victimize anyone? We need to discuss the issue, we need freedom of expression, the safety of digital platforms, we need to save our society from cybercrime and child pornography. Before registering the case under the Digital Security Act 2018 the merit of the case should be analyzed in the police station. Ms. Farhana Reza, Advocate Supreme Court of Bangladesh discussed as Special Guest and stressed that during the COVID-19 pandemic we are communicating with the rest of the world through online platforms. Many can say Digital Security Act 2018 has disrupted the freedom of expression and the law has been created a panic but the misinformation, disinformation, fake news has createdthe problem in our societyhow we protect the country from this type of crime especially communal attack, vandalism provocations creating by social media. Mr. Sumon Ahmed Sabir, Chief Technology Offi cer, Fiber @ Home Ltd. discussed as Special Guest and emphasized that everybody should be responsible for the establishment of a progressive world and save society. The law should be developed as per the criteria of the crime and its nature. We should work on the issue. We should train the law enforcement agencies and judiciary also on digital issues for working properly to ensure justice for all. H.E. Mustafa Jabbar, Minister, Ministry of PostsandTelecommunications as Chief Guest in the closing ceremonyand mentioned we have observed the Golden Jubilee of Bangladesh and paid deep respect to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and other Martyrs of Bangladesh. Section 57 of the ICT Act and section 32 of the Digital Security Act 2018 are not the same. How we can protect the fake news, misinformation and disinformation still now we are facing the problem. Journalism is surely not for increasing confl ict, or for tarnishing the image of the country it should go for highlighting the truth. In some cases, social networking sites and digital devices are using the tarnish of image of the Prime Minister, other Ministers, and Spirit of Liberation War but we could not do anything because we have no capacity and technology to control them. Fake news spread through Facebook has triggered several communal clashes resulting in deaths in Bangladesh like Sunamgonj, Nasirnagar, Ramu, and other places of Bangladesh. He said Facebook failed to create measures to identify hate speech. He mentioned the crime inFintech, e-commerce, and other digital device which have created some crimes and hypocrisy we need to protect them through the Digital Security Act 2018. He advised the journalists and other concerned people to provide specifi c observations about the Digital Security Act 2018. Mr. HasanulHaqInu, MP,Chairperson, Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum & Chairman, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Information chaired the session highlighted that “ICT and internet will work as 4th pillar of Bangladesh.” Internet is very essential the importance of the internet in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. A national comprehensive eff ort and plan are essential to raising the issue to the United Nations. A Cybertribunal has been formed in the divisional areas and a tribunal should be formed in High Court Division. But we need clarity of the sections of the Digital Security Act 2018, which have ambiguity it should be mentioned with more analysis for more clarity. In a democratic society,It should be confi rmed that no one is victimized. Before closing the session, he gave a vote of thanks to the Chief Guest, Special Guests, Guests of Honor, Honorable Speakers, Moderators, all Participants from home and abroad. 

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