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মোট লেখা:১০৪১
লেখা সম্পর্কিত
২০০৮ - জুন
কমপিউটার জগৎ
লেখার ধরণ:
ইংরেজি খবর
কমপিউটার জগৎ

BASIS Japan Mission for Software Marketing

A BASIS delegation consisting of 15 leading software and IT Enabled Service companies recently paid a visit to Tokyo, Japan as a part of software marketing mission. In this connection, a seminar was jointly organized by BASIS, JICA and BIK Japan on 12 May last at Tokyo. The seminar was attended by over hundred Japanese participants from 71 Japanese companies. The seminar was addressed by Ashraf-ud-Doula, Ambassador of Bangladesh in Japan, Seiichi Nagatsuka, Vice President of JICA, Mamoru Yasui, Expert, JICA Study Team and Rafiqul Islam Rowly, Immediate Past President of BASIS.

Sarker Abul Bashar from BIK Japan coordinated the seminar. Fifteen BASIS member companies presented their services and products to prospective Japanese clients at the seminar. The seminar was also attended by a large number of non resident Bangladeshi IT professionals and entrepreneurs staying at Japan.

The BASIS delegation also took part at SODEC, the biggest IT exposition at Tokyo that took place from 14 May, 2008.

The BASIS member companies who took part at the Japan marketing mission were- Datasoft Systems, LEADS Corporation Limited, Dohatec New Media, PyxisNet Limited, STM Software, CSL Software Resources, Bdjobs.com, HiSoft, Epsilon, dEVnET, Mazumder IT, BJIT, Systech Digital and Tradexcel Graphics Ltd.

Intel and Grameen Announce Joint Business Venture

Addressing at the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) 2008 in Malaysia on May 19, 2008, Intel Corporation Chairman Craig Barrett announced that Intel has signed an agreement with Grameen Trust to form a new business venture dedicated to social and economic development. The Grameen-Intel joint venture aims to bring about self-sustaining solutions based on ICT to help empower the worlds impoverished citizens. The initiative, which will be launched in Bangladesh, is based on the social business model created by Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Muhammad Yunus, who founded Grameen Bank in 1976 to promote microfinancing and community development.

“Technology offers the means for scaling up our efforts toward global change and progress,” said Barrett, who also chairs the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID). “By creating new business models based on ICT, as Intel is doing today with Grameen, we can bring people the tools they need to improve their future.”

“I am very happy to collaborate with Intel in this new direction and create opportunities for poor people to rise above social and economic barriers,” said Yunus, also author of the best-selling book, Creating a World Without Poverty. “I believe technology-based services will provide the hand up that people need to discover their full potential. Once we show that this business model works in Bangladesh, we hope the successes we achieve there can be applied to the rest of the developing world.”

Grameen-Intel combines Intels technology innovation and Grameens extensive experience in creating economic development and income-generation opportunities at the village level. The new company will use a private sector-based approach to address social and economic problems such as poverty, healthcare and education in developing countries.

GIGABYTE Responds to Competitor Energy Saving Technology Claims

GIGABYTE UNITED, a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards would like to respond to recent statements by their competitor alleging GIGABYTE has made false claims against them. These statements were made in response to a report GIGABYTE detailed for the media which compared GIGABYTEs 4-Gear and 6-Gear Dynamic Energy Saver technology to their competitors non-phase change and 2-Gear Phase changing energy saving technology. In addition, direct comparisons and testing results were reported between the GIGABYTE GA-EP35-DS3L motherboard and their competitors P5K-SE EPU.

While GIGABYTE would like to express regret over any confusion this situation may have caused their competitors customers, they do stand by their statements and testing report 100%, and eagerly await there competitor to clarify the issues they raised in order to avoid any further confusion.

In 2008, GIGABYTE again set a new standard with the introduction of their Dynamic Energy Saver (DES) technology, the worlds first energy saving technology motherboards to feature up to 6 gears of power phase switching. Featuring a combination of hardware and software design, DES has proven to be an industry breakthrough and has received wide acclaim from media and end users alike by enhancing power efficiency up to 20% and providing CPU power savings up to 70% .
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২০০৮ - জুন সংখ্যার হাইলাইটস
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