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লেখক পরিচিতি
লেখকের নাম: মোহাম্মদ জাবেদ মোর্শেদ চৌধুরী
মোট লেখা:৫১
লেখা সম্পর্কিত
২০১৪ - এপ্রিল
কমপিউটার জগৎ
লেখার ধরণ:
ইংরেজি সেকশন
কমপিউটার জগৎ
English section
For any true democracy and for good governance it is essential to have maximum transparency in the work of governance and the citizens should be able to get maximum information about how they are being governed. It is only when citizens have all the relevant information that they will be able to review the extent to which the governing bodies in the covertry state and those managing their infrastructure are moving towards good governance. On this basis, citizens will also be able to determine the extent to which bureaucrats are conducting their responsibilities towards them. To ensure the people’s right on government information, Government passed The Right to Information Act in 2009.

The Right to Information Act, 2009 seeks to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. An important aspect of the Act pertains to the obligation of public authorities to proactively disclose information to the public.

Every public authority is mandated to make information accessible to the extent possible in electronic format with the concerned public information Officer. In practice, however, it has been observed that, implementation of proactive disclosure under the Act by public authorities has been rather patchy and of poor quality. To address these issues, there is need for regular audit of the quality of proactive disclosure made by public authorities under the provisions of the RTI Act. For quantitative assessment, there is a need to identify and categorise parameters of disclosure with the view to segregate them on the basis of their relative importance. Based on a rational examination of the provisions for proactive disclosure, a guideline has to be prepared for government agencies. It will help the government agencies to assess their readiness and current status in terms of proactive disclosure.

But unfortunately, common citizen are not aware of their right. To create awareness, government can develop a website which will train people how they can use RTI Act to know government information. But there are few challenges to run this website,

Challenges for Website Administration:
Find out the relevant information for RTI compliance : First of all, we have to find out the required information which needs to be published in the website to be compliant with the RTI Act.
Regularly collect the information and update the information : It will be always challenging to regularly update the website. There should be a dedicated team to update the website.
Develop new content to train the users : There should be new ideas and plan to educate users about the RTI Act. The website should be responsive so that user can access the website from any platform.

Develop bi lingual (Bangla and English) content : All the content should be prepared in Bangla and English to reach more people.

Popularize the website : Developing a rich website is not enough. It should be popularized so that every citizen can aware about their right that has given by RTI Act.

Challenges for Website User

To know what is their right : Citizens are not aware of their right that Right to Information Act has given them. It is not yet very popular in Bangladesh. Only a very few number of people know about this act and used this tool to know government information. So, for common people, the first challenge is to know what kind of information they can get by exercising RTI Act.
How to navigate the website : As website user, they have to know how to get the required information. If the navigation is user friendly then it will be convenient for the user.
How to communicate with the website admin : Sometimes users find it difficult to get the required information or have queries. The website should have a strong support team.

Types of Content: From a user perspective, different forms (text, audio and video) of content should be used. A detail video about how to use RTI to get government information wills a great convenience for the users.

Bilingual Website : If the website is bilingual then it will be easier for the users who only understand Bangla. If all the content is kept both in English and Bangla then it will be convenient for the users
পত্রিকায় লেখাটির পাতাগুলো
লেখাটি পিডিএফ ফর্মেটে ডাউনলোড করুন
লেখাটির সহায়ক ভিডিও
চলতি সংখ্যার হাইলাইটস