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হোম > এশিয়ার অন্যান্য বাজারের চেয়ে বাংলাদেশের বাজার অধিকতর স্থিতিশীল
লেখা সম্পর্কিত
লেখার ধরণ:
এশিয়ার অন্যান্য বাজারের চেয়ে বাংলাদেশের বাজার অধিকতর স্থিতিশীল
As we all know that Xerox Corporation, a global document management company, which manufactures and sells a range of colour and black and white printers, multifunction system, photo copier, digital production printing presses, and related consulting services and supplies, is a company of more than 100 years reputation. Xerox is headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut, though its largest population of employees is based in and around Rochester, New York, where the company was founded. Xerox India Limited is responsible for its South Asia Operation, based in Gorgoan, Haryana, India. Recently the representatives of its partners in Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka and India gathered here in Bangladesh. Vipin Tuteja, Executive Director of Xerox South Asia operation and Chandrakant Singh, International Business Manager of the same visited Bangladesh to join the gathering and to give them necessary instructions and also hear from them. I, Golap Monir, Editor of Monthly Computer Jagat along with our Associate Editor Main Uddin Mahmood had the opportunity to have an exclusive interview of Vipin Tuteja, while Chandrakant Singh assisted him during the interview. Here are the excerpts:

Computer Jagat : Please introduce your company in brief to our readers.

Vipin Tuteja : Xerox Corporation is a global document management company.

Xerox was founded in 1906 in Rochester, New York as the ‘Haloid Company’, which originally manufactured photographic paper and equipment. The company subsequently changed its name to ‘Haloid Xerox’ in 1958 and then simply ‘Xerox’ in 1961. The company came to prominence in 1959 with the introduction of the first plain paper photocopier using the process of Xerography. Xerox had also introduced the first xerographic printer, the ‘Copyflo’ in 1955. The company expanded substantially thereafter.

Xerox today manufactures and sells a wide verity of office and production equipment including LCD monitors, photocopier’s, Xerox phaser printers, multifunction printer, large-volume digital printers as well as workflow softwares under the brand strategy of FreeFlow. In short Xerox is a market leader in document technology, information technology and equipment supplies.

C.J : Please let our readers Know about the document management technology.

Vipin Tuteja : We spend huge time in creating and mining documents. Every one in the office, if they like to find the facts and figures correctly in their documents, actually 60-70 percent of their office time needs to spend in creating, correcting, and filing documents, and handling or working around document. But we have lot of sources of technology to create and manage the documents. When we create documents, we also manage documents. Our company helps the organizations to streamline their offices with the help of document management technology. We are market leader in this document management technology.

C.J : Please tell us about the aim of your present visit to Bangladesh.

Vipin Tuteja : We have, here in Dhaka, representitives from five countries in South Asia which come in together : Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka and also India. Here your country to organize the gathering. We have a lot of directions for them as well as we look back what we expect from our partners from our region. And that’s our aim of the present visit to Bangladesh.

C.J : How Xerox is performing its business in the global markets as well as in Bangladesh?

Vipin Tuteja : You all are aware of the global economic meltdown, which has impact on Xerox business. But our company is trying to perform well against all odds. A company like us is very flexible and very well paid. Last year we did very well in the international market, though the last quarter of the year was not so good, because of the weakness of the world economy. But we are doing excellent in terms of other regions’ performances. We are doing world wide very well, in India as well, market share also has grown. In Dhaka as well we are doing very well. New business is coming in.

C.J : How you will compare Bangladesh market with the other Asian markets?

Vipin Tuteja : Bangladesh posses a huge potential market. It is the right situation to invest in Bangladesh. Present political situation has improved positively as well. Conditions are really right in terms of expanding market. We have noticed, though other countries are much affected by global economic meltdowns, but Bangladesh market is still much more stable.

C.J : What is your observation about the printer market in Bangladesh?

Vipin Tuteja : I think the printer market in Bangladesh is very much untouched. The way we look at the printing that what the printing does, is most important. Prints do perform our communication, and how we see the effectiveness of this communication, this is the main concept behind the printing. Whatever the content is on the print, it has objectives, these objectives are met or not. So when we communicate, how the communication can be improved, is a vital question. So our perspective on the print is quite different, and in that respect we find tremendous amount of potentiality in printer market in Bangladesh.

C.J : In Bangladesh the printer market have already been captured by HP, Canon, Lexmark etc. In such a situation what will be the strategy from your part in Bangladesh.

Vipin Tuteja : I think my previous answer very much captured this point, because when we are looking at the press, we are not just looking for selling printers, but are looking at selling solutions in the market, we want to add value rather than selling printer. So, I think in that sense the strategy of Xerox is quite different from our competitors.
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