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হোম > Ajay Kaul of Agree Ya Says : Government Should Perpare a Roadmap to Implement Digital Bangladesh
লেখক পরিচিতি
লেখকের নাম: ঈদাত অপূর্বা সিংহা
মোট লেখা:৯
লেখা সম্পর্কিত
২০০৯ - জুলাই
কমপিউটার জগৎ
লেখার ধরণ:
ইংরেজি সেকশন
কমপিউটার জগৎ
Ajay Kaul of Agree Ya Says : Government Should Perpare a Roadmap to Implement Digital Bangladesh
Agree Ya Solutions (AgreeYa), a US-based global provider of business and technology services and solutions recently announced its acquisition of the Bangladesh operations of Soltius Infotech, a global provider of IT solutions and services. Agree Ya will be the first CMMI Level 5 company to operate in Bangladesh with the opening of their 4th global delivery centre (GDC) in Dhaka.

Ajay Kaul, Managing Partner, Agree Ya Solutions recently visited Bangladesh to mark this amalgamation process. During his presence in Dhaka he gave an exclusive interview to Computer Jagat and revealed his aspiration regarding their operation in Bangladesh.

Briefly tell about your recent visit to Bangladesh.

‘The main purpose of my visit to Dhaka is to understand the post integration scenario of Agree Ya. We are quite optimistic to observe the present growth of local IT market in Bangladesh. Although the industry still stays at the nascent stage but there are lot of potentials. Agree Ya is committed to introduce cutting edge technology and at the same time produce IT skill human resource by sharing its global IT expertise. We will conduct our operation in a systematic way so that we can synchronize ourselves with the local market trend and transfer knowledge as well.’

Tell about the global operation of Agree Ya Solutions.

‘Founded in 1999 and based in California USA, Agree Ya proved its resounding success in providing technology, consulting and outsourcing services to customers worldwide. Agree Ya provides services through its O3 delivery model, leveraging its Global Delivery Centers in the US, India, Mexico and Bangladesh and maintains a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction. The major focal areas of Agree Ya are energy and utility, financial services, healthcare, public sector, software, telecommunications and travel etc.’

What are the business expansion strategies for Bangladesh?

‘We have a definite business expansion plan for Bangladesh. Currently, our Bangladesh operation comprises only 50 staffs and we are planning a drastic increment to 500 within next years because we believe in organic growth. Agree Ya already teamed up with Bangladesh Bank, AB Bank and Unique Group of Companies to implement enterprise and banking solutions. In order to survive the fierce competition Agree Ya will bring diversification in its solutions. Our major service areas will be e-governance, ERP, business intelligence, internet and mobile banking, portal and social computing.’

How do you play role to produce global standard IT human resource?

‘Agree Ya has identified manpower as the key potential to expedite the growth of IT industry. Unlike other offshore companies, Agree Ya will develop the technological skill of the local engineers and then mobilize them to its global offices in different phase of their career. As a result, it paves the way for the local talents to be familiar with the global working environment and at the same time enrich their knowledge.

Within next two years Agree Ya is planning to establish a research and development (R&D) section in Bangladesh. The prime motivation to take such initiative is to inspire the local talents to explore their inner potential and develop solutions for the global market.’

Tell about the strength and weakness of the local IT market.

‘The major strength of local IT industry in Bangladesh is it has everything in place and no major revamping is necessary. We just need to build the capability to utilize existing resources.

The weakness is the prolong process to start a business. I think government should come forward and take pragmatic steps to resolve this. However, infrastructural support like ‘Software Export Processing Zone’ in India is rudimentary to leverage offshore operation of the global companies in Bangladesh. Furthermore, government can think about the financial incentives such as tax holiday or tax break to facilitate the activities.’

What is your observation regarding Digital Bangladesh?

‘It has no doubt that Digital Bangladesh is a worthwhile initiative. But government should prepare a roadmap to implement its vision. Agree Ya is ready to share its global experience with government and help them to develop an action plan in this regard. Agree Ya already discussed different issues with the government and envisions of bringing its global network to transform Bangladesh into Digital.’

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